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Project Objective

Transition our current employee intranet, CoxOne, from SharePoint Classic to SharePoint Modern. Building on the success of this award-winning intranet serving 20k+ Cox Communications employees, leverage existing design, content, strategy and governance to continue the momentum on SharePoint Modern.

CoxOne as a whole receives 880,000+ monthly visits from 23,000+ unique visitors.

UX Design
Enterprise Design
Intranet Website
Illustration & Brand
High-Fidelity Prototype
Stakeholder Interview
User Research
User Journey Mapping
Concept Sketching
Product Strategy

Project Details


Cox Communications

Target Users:

20,000+ Employees


UX Designer, Stakeholder


Summer 2021 - Spring 2023

Interactive Prototype:

View Prototype

 | Request


Adobe XD, InVision, Axure, Sketch,, Jira, Photoshop, Illustrator

Digital Communications Team & Agency

Case Team Image


Case Team Image


Sr. Manager
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UX Designer
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Sr. Manager
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Sr. Comms Specialist
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Project Manager
Case Team Image



Team Clarifications

I worked on the Digital Communications team within the Public Affairs department. This project required input and collaboration from various other stakeholders including Technology, Human Resources, Public Affairs, Search, and Security teams at Cox. 

RightPoint was hired to bring our vision to life. Andrew and I worked on the initial designs and prototypes. After providing our prototype to RightPoint we continued to collaborate daily until CoxOne Modern was complete.


Problem Identification

Stakeholder interviews were conducted with the Technology, Human Resources, Public Affairs, and Search Teams at Cox. These teams have been collecting data from users throughout the lifespan of the original intranet. We also referred to existing assets like Brand Voice Guidelines and Enterprise Workforce Personas.

Problem Statements

How might we Personalize the Experience so that employees feel seen and discover content and features specific to their needs?
In the current CoxOne, there is some degree of content targeting, based on role (for Leaders) and region, but the potential for a truly personalized experience is not yet realized.
How might we Empower Leaders so that they lead their teams. with confidence and impact, following leadership best practices?
Leaders are seen as a key audience, critical to the engagement of all employees and especially front-line staff. While there is robust content in the Leaders Hub, there is great potential to make it more easily consumable and to provide a holistic and engaging Leaders' experience on CoxOne.
How might we Drive Productivity so that employees easily complete their desired tasks on CoxOne?
While organizational efficiency is a key focus area for CCI, the CoxOne experience doesn't currently pull its weight in enabling action and task completion.
How might we Enable Discovery so that employees can easily find what they seek?
CoxOne today is not structured for easy discovery of desired information. Search becomes a key tool for find-ability, but it may not always deliver the necessary results.
How might we Facilitate Connection so that employees are inspired to engage, participate and contribute to the Cox community?
Employees show dwindling interest in company matters beyond their local market, but Cox is a relationship-driven company, where things get done through people you know. Furthermore, the business relies on active and engaged participation. A new CoxOne must address and attempt to heal the fracturing of the employee experience.
How might we Make Content Work so that employees can easily find and discover useful and relevant content?
CoxOne's current informational structure was influenced by the product it was built on. That structure has not proved optimal in meeting CCI's needs for a simple, efficient, personalized and meaningful content experience.



Research Methodologies

Kickoff Workshop

Conducted kickoff workshop, including visioning exercise to understand existing business drivers and pain-points.

Stakeholder Interviews

Interviewed Technology stakeholders to understand technical environment and technology drivers. Conducted stakeholder interviews with Public Affairs and HR to understand the strategic vision, business drivers and  employee needs.

Content Audit

Conducted a thorough audit of CoxOne content, capturing topics and types of content and noting opportunities for improved  structure and overall experience.

Prior Research

Reviewed prior research, existing style guides, and other CoxOne documentation.

Tech Analysis

Reviewed core team feedback on current state and future state technical requirements and provided a glimpse of implementation options within Modern SharePoint.


Personas were previously identified by the enterprise so we did not need to redo these from scratch. However we did need to clarify some details such as:

To what extent should content personalization be driven by these personas?
Examples: Level (VIP), Function (Store Associate), Location, Employment Type.

Are there any specific capabilities that should be considered in relation to these personas?
Example: Mobile capabilities for field workers.

Cox identified personas


The site structure underwent several revisions due to the limitations between SharePoint Classic and Modern. Our final design proved superior to the Classic architecture, as it enabled access to all four levels of navigation from any page.



Usability Testing

Testing Plan

  • Identified goals for the test
  • Identified a method
    1:1 qualitative remote moderated usability testing on design prototypes via Microsoft Teams, Zoom, or a comparable testing tool.
  • Identified participants
    We tested the new CoxOne design with 10 current users (5 Leaders, 2 Hourlies) to validate self-evidence and gather feedback on the new design.
  • Assigned tasks
    These tasks were meant to provide an overall structure to the facilitated session.

Video Compilation

I've gathered key points from the testing recordings. Each session lasted approximately 40 to 60 minutes.



  • Participants really like the organization, look, and feel of the new site – they felt it would be easier to find things of need and interest.
  • Personalized areas such as What You Need to Do, Tasks on Leader’s Hub and, My Subscriptions and Resources were well received and drew the most attention.
  • Events were noticed and having the call to action on the cards was a hit.

Needs Improvement

  • The hover mega menus will require some adjustment for frequent users.
  • Almost half were confused between the News page and News Search page.
  • Resources Page: 
    - In the edit dialog, a few people did not understand how to sort.
    - 4 out of 10 thought the plus sign in the Additional resources was for showing more details.


  • A slight delay was added to the mega menu hover. This helped prevent accidental hovers which took up a majority of the screen.
  • News navigational buttons were updated to stand out.
  • We decided to completely redesign the Resources page to make it more intuitive. After testing the new design the results were far more successful.


Successes / Failures

Success: Information Architecture
The complete overhaul of the Site Navigation and the Information Architecture was a huge success. Feedback showed most users understood the new architecture with little confusion compared to the old architecture.

Failure: Search People Directory
Due to Microsoft limitations we had designed two separate search fields for Regular Content and the People Directory. Miscommunication caused the website to launch without the People Directory working.

Analytics (4/28/24)

Average Monthly Visitors Increased 296% (5,968 to 23,688).

Average Monthly Page Views Increased 254% (249,724 to 884,756).


Winner of Digital Workplace of the Year 2023

Graphic with Digital Workplace of the Year Awards on it

For 2023, Digital Workplace of the Year was awarded to Cox Communications for delivering on an ambitious vision for a modern, personalized, mobile-enabled digital employee experience.

Gold Award: Step Two - 2023 Intranet and Digital Workplace Awards

Image of various awards

Cox Communications (USA): a SharePoint intranet with innovative, customized features and an advanced approach to measurement.